IE1065 : Certified Information System Security Professional (ICS Exam Preparation Training)
COURSE TITLE : IE1065 : Certified Information System Security Professional (ICS Exam Preparation Training)
COURSE DATE : Apr 14 - Apr 18 2024
VENUE : Doha, Qatar
COURSE FEE : $ 6000
Request For Course
Date : Jul 07 - Jul 11 (5 Days) Location : Al Khobar, KSA Classroom Fee (US$) : $ 5500 Course Info
Date : Oct 20 - Oct 24 (5 Days) Location : Dubai, UAE Classroom Fee (US$) : $ 5500 Course Info

Course Description

This practical and highly-interactive course includes real-life case studies where participants will be engaged in a series of interactive small groups and class workshops. This course is designed to provide participants with a detailed and up-to-date overview of Certified Information System Security Professional. It covers the security and risk management; the concepts of confidentiality, integrity and availability; the security governance principles, compliance requirements and legal and regulatory issues that pertain to information security in a global context; the business continuity (BC) requirements and personnel security policies and procedures; and the risk management and threat modeling concepts, methodologies and risk-based management concepts to the supply chain. Further, the course will also discuss the security awareness, education and training program; the asset security, privacy, appropriate asset retention, data security controls and information and asset handling requirements; the security architecture and engineering; the fundamental concepts of security models; and the systems security requirements, security architectures, designs and solution elements.During this interactive course, participants will learn the security operations, support investigations and the requirements for investigation types; the logging and monitoring activities, provisioning resources and foundational security operations concepts and resource protection techniques; the incident management, detective and preventative measures and patch and vulnerability management; the change management processes, recovery strategies, disaster recovery (DR) processes and disaster recovery plans (DRP); the business continuity (BC) planning and exercises, physical security and personnel safety and security concerns; the software development security, security in the software development life cycle (SDLC) and security controls in development environments; the effectiveness of software security and security impact of acquired software; and the coding guidelines and standard.


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours

Workshops & Work Presentations
Case Studies & Practical Exercises
Videos, Software & Simulators

In an unlikely event, the course instructor may modify the above training methodology before or during the course for technical reasons.


If this course is delivered online as a Virtual Training, the following limitations will be applicable

Certificates: Only soft copy certificates will be issued to participants through Haward’s Portal. This includes Wallet Card Certificates if applicable
Training Materials: Only soft copy Training Materials (PDF format) will be issued to participant through the Virtual Training Platform
Training Methodology: 80% of the program will be theory and 20% will be practical sessions, exercises, case studies, simulators or videos
Training Program: The training will be for 4 hours per day starting at 09:30 and ending at 13:30
H-STK Smart Training Kit: Not Applicable
Hands-on Practical Workshops: Not Applicable
Site Visit: Not Applicable
Simulators: Only software simulators will be used in the virtual courses. Hardware simulators are not applicable and will not be used in Virtual Training


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