IE0340 : Custody Measurement, Fiscal Flow Metering, Meter Calibration, Uncertainty Calculations & Loss Control of Petroleum Products
Custody Measurement, Fiscal Flow Metering, Meter Calibration, Uncertainty Calculations & Loss Control of Petroleum Products
COURSE TITLE : IE0340 : Custody Measurement, Fiscal Flow Metering, Meter Calibration, Uncertainty Calculations & Loss Control of Petroleum Products
COURSE DATE : Apr 06 - Apr 10 2025
INSTRUCTOR : Mr. Barry Pretorius
VENUE : Al Khobar, KSA
COURSE FEE : $ 5500
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Course Description

This practical and highly-interactive course includes various practical sessions and exercises. Theory learnt will be applied using our state-of-the-art simulators.
The course covers the concept of custody transfer, fiscal flow metering, meter calibration, uncertainty calculations and loss control of petroleum products. It is divided into 5 modules:-
Module 1: Accuracy & Process Measurement
This module covers basic definitions, such as viscosity, repeatability, cavitation etc.; flow profiles and the effects on measurement; volumetric and mass flow rate.
Accuracy is important in terms of uncertainty of measurement; calibration; technical specifications and process requirements.
Flow Measurement including orifice plate and DP transmitter; multi-beam ultrasonic flowmeter; Coriolis mass meter; turbine meters amongst others.
Level Measurement, traditional methods such as capacitance and hydrostatic techniques are covered together with more modern technologies such as ultrasonic and radar measurements.
Module 2: Custody Transfer & Fiscal Flow Metering
This module examines the requirements of OIML R117; the subject of Custody Transfer in detail terms; flow calibration, dynamic and static; types of calibration rigs and calibration systems plus prover systems.
Module 3: Terminal & Pipeline Systems
Included in this module are, terminal tank gauging; Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT); sediment and water considerations; operational issues and associated equipment. Pipeline considerations including paraffin content; pipeline pressure and process characteristics. Truck custody transfer, marine and aviation, on-loading and off loading etc.
Module 4: Monitoring and Controlling Losses
Loss control systems – an applied approach – model based system; leak detection / leak testing. Case studies of marine applications; measurement surveys and measurement reports. Multi-phase flowmetering and applications.
Module 5: API Standards and Flowmeter Selection
API measurement standards and volume correction tables; temperature compensation; SG versus API gravity; net volume calculation exercise.
Guidelines for flowmeter selection.

link to course overview PDF


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies:

Workshops & Work Presentations
Case Studies & Practical Exercises
Videos, Software & Simulators

In an unlikely event, the course instructor may modify the above training methodology for technical reasons.


If this course is delivered online as a Virtual Training, the following limitations will be applicable:

Certificates : Only soft copy certificates will be issued
Training Materials : Only soft copy materials will be issued
Training Methodology : 80% theory, 20% practical
Training Program : 4 hours per day, from 09:30 to 13:30


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